
Adair Kelley

Co-founder & CEO. Passionate about human collaboration, music, and democratizing data.

Robin Bisschop

Co-founder & CTO, leading engineering at Abstract. Passionate about Rust and CosmWasm.

Nicolas Kowalski

Physicist and Engineer, lead tooling engineer at Abstract. Passionate about cross-chain ideas, protocols and dev-tooling.

Mykhailo Donchenko

Smart-contract and tooling engineer at Abstract. Passionate about Rust and web3.

Vladyslav Dalechyn

Senior frontend engineer at Abstract. Previously worked on CEX, DEX, NFT marketplace and DeFi Options.

Carina Akaia

Senior Full Stack Engineer & Software Architect. Particularly proficient in frontend, passionate about UX and DX.

Kais Baccour

Senior developer relations engineer. Co-founder of Nois Network, passionate about open-source and community building.

Kumar Anirudha

Developer Relations at Abstract. Excited about Web3 Tech and Ecosystem. Passionate about Dev Tooling.

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